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Titre Baby
Description Ritual also sometimes is way to express that, that it is impossible to tell words.it can be release emotions.there is very delicate balance: to allow children to express the feelings and to allow to be present on formal number ritual which by definition includes actions, made in a certain order, and defined to lyu selfchecking.in an ideal children need to provide a choice: for example, they can prefer less largescale ri tuat in the house with close people; they can suit the sob stvenny ceremony of farewell then to visit a grave later. it is necessary to look at it with compassion, with we understand that the living being faces the powerful pressure of world around, with triple sufferings which it navyazykvat, and the most big problems come through mind, as impressions of antecedents.the last have an effect spontaneously, is in the middle white day, even in the coziest, warm, comfortable apartment where parents carefully are concerned about a good education, health and wellbeing.it is necessary to understand simply that here one more living being who is weaker, than we which does not realize the emotions, cannot understand them, his reason is not so strong to rise over manifestations of these emotions, and it suffers and because of it causes sufferings to another. having acquired a rhythm dykha niya, enter water and, having sat down so that the chin concerned water, glubo to inhale, and then, lowering the person in water, exhale.after that one execute an exhalation in water, plunging into it.take the child by both hands, and let it, squatting under water plunging to a chin or with the head, will execute one exhalation.after development of a single cycle of breath breath exhalation cycles ob edinyatsya in a series on exhalations.gradually quantity of breaths and you dokh raises, but the main task there is a breath, but not speed its performance. the positive roditelstvo, on the contrary, has to help the child to develop unique qualities and strengths of character and to overcome weaknesses.the child has to suppress negative sides of the nature not on pain of punishment, and on the basis of an example of parents.in the nature of each person there are some lines which he should control, constrain and correctly to show the arising negative emotions.it is necessary to teach the child to ability to master manifestations not of the best parties of its character, to help to believe that it will be able to learn to operate the nature, without destroying it. britain spends ,% of funds from the gross internal revenue for providing the first years of life of children in comparison with % in sweden.in other words, it is required to increase expenses by times to reach standards which the swedish parents consider all the same insufficient.professor meluish told in interview: the cost of the maintenance of children in a day nursery aged from one and a half till two years at highquality leaving is quite high and comparable with payment to the parent of a child care leave within two years. how to speak that children listened.such idea that punishment does not work therefore that it only distracts, was new to me.but that gda i had the following question: that i can make in exchange?think some time how still give rise body could cope with two situations, about a cat ry you just read.what comes to your mind?what else there are opportunities, besides on the kazaniye to cope with children in a supermarket?as still it is possible to arrive, besides punishment, with the child who took tools of the father and not beliefs nulnut them? when i learn age of the child, i ask them counter questions: and whether it is possible such a crumb now in general somewhere to direct?and why to you this information?whether she solves something?the answer as i already told, is covered in psychology, mentality of the woman.if she feels incompetence in any question concerning children, she tries to continue to solve after all problems in those spheres in which as it seems to it, she is competent.and therefore, without knowing how to make the child happy how to understand his nature how to build with him the relations, parents are often too concentrated on its health, on his platypodia, stoop, squint which in principle even do not deserve such big concern and attention, and often any radical intervention do not demand.
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Lotfilms.ru possède un Pagerank Google de 2 sur 10 et un Rank Alexa de 0. Bien qu'étant de plus en plus déprécié en tant qu'indicateur de la qualité d'un site web, un PageRank élevé continue néanmoins d'indiquer dans la plupart des cas la popularité d'un site web. Les sites ayant un Rank Alexa élevé ont un nombre important de visiteurs, indiquant ainsi un positionnement performant dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche.

Le nom de domaine a été crée il y a 10 ans (année : 2014, mois : 04, jour : 17) et sa longueur est de 8 caractères. Les algorithmes des moteurs de recherche accordent plus de crédibilité et d'autorité aux sites web dont le nom de domaine a été enregistré depuis longtemps et continue d'être en activité (et non parqué).

Une note de D lui est attribuée en raison de ses faibles performances.

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