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Ο 101speak.ru προσελκύει 93 επισκέπτες ανά ημέρα, αξίζει 38 ευρώ και έχει βαθμολογία 17/100.

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Βασικές πληροφορίες

Τίτλος Teeth and health care
Περιγραφή Three lines of defense against the disease 73 first line of defense the gastrointestinal tract 78 second line of defense liver and gallbladder 80 third line of defense endocrine system 82 chapter summary of the three lines of defense 84 part two.cleansing the first line of defense gastrointestinal 86 detailed action plan for the purification stage gastrointestinal 88 principles cleansing gastrointestinal 90 determine which disorders constipation or diarrhea slopes your body.so you determine specific future cleaning 92 what you need to define the type 92 constipation 93 diarrhea 96 things to do before any cleaning.warnings and contraindications 99 first week cleaning 100 ideomotor cleaning the main method of purifying 100 interim first week cleaning 102 first week cleaning for people prone to constipation 103 diet for those who suffer from constipation 103 first week cleaning for people lax 105 second week cleaning 107 second week cleaning for those who are prone to constipation 108 abdominal exercises 109 herbal medicine and other means of purification for constipation 110 second week cleaning for people lax 113 cleaning out of 116 anatomy of gastrointestinal. there are specific countries where the prevalence rate is much higher.but even those countries that are considered healthy, feeling the effects of the modern re regime of diet and lifestyle.sgpa long been considered a center of innovation and technology, one of the technologies cal innovations was fast food, created in the west tion of the united states.11oe goma is not surprising that the united states topped the list of leading countries in overweight, as there are more than 65 percent of the population has at least overweight, and much of the population is obese.these figures are frightening, if we recall that the u.s.population more than 300 million people.while the united states is now the global leader by the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity tion, high prevalence rates of obesity observed in other countries, such as mexico and brazil. 2nd breakfast calcined curd.lunch cheese, cereal soup with grated carrots, meats tion roll with buckwheat, apple jelly.snack broth hips, protein omelet.dinner boiled tongue with carrot puree, cheese.at night yogurt.number 4b indications: acute inflammatory bowel of the disease in the recovery period; scie chronic bowel disease with diarrhea.duration: until recovery.features diet: the usefulness of recruitment of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.restriction salt 8 daysouth, mechanical and chemical irritants.isa turning products causing fermentation and rottenness esses stimulating bile and gastric secretion tion.fractional diet 56 times a day.forbidden foods and dishes: black bread millet, barley cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, radish, radish, onion, garlic beans and mushrooms melon, apricots, melons, plums undiluted vegetable juices and grape juice canned food chocolate, cocoa, honey featured products and dishes: yesterdays bread baking, biscuits, flour products nesdobnoe soups weak broth with cereals, pastadeliyami of vegetables lean meats and fish egg no more than 1 pc. and yours truly has devoted almost his entire life.n 1 having spent so much time and effort to find one i exit out of the situation, 1 i have the right to demand from you, do one of 1 i most important steps to a natural i [existence limit consumption [ salt or even discard it.i w this requires our human nature to you! i i i h way out organic sodium i have called you to forget about the salt once and for all, but what about the sodium deficiency the fact that the organism needs organic sodium.one that is in plants, vegetables and fruit umax.the best sources of organic sodium is: red beet la it 50% and 5% sodium, calcium, garlic, celery, dcc keene, peas, potato juice, black currants, apricots, tomatoes, buckwheat, oats, apples. nevertheless, one of such differences may remains without adequate attention: japanese eat five times more cruciferous vegetables, than americans.to cruciferous vegetables include various types of cabbage cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, curly, and watercress it is their most often used homemade japanese cuisine.more japanese like algae marine plants with valuable nutritional properties.there are several varieties of algae, which are eaten in japan kombu, nori and wakame.i will tell you in more detail later on algae.do not think nutritious and simple japanese diet consisting mainly of fish, soy, rice, vegetables and fruits, monotonous and limited to a small set of products.
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3. ruswom.ru (Ruswom) 121
4. rabotjagamneta.com (Rabotjagamneta) 120
5. valband.ru (Valband) 102
6. 101speak.ru (101speak) 93
7. 2dsumka.ru (2dsumka) 82
8. 100500votes.ru (100500votes) 57
9. web-mozg.ru (Web Mozg) 50
10. arendapnz.ru (Arendapnz) 50