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Jay weidner
Dvds, videos, books and articles concerned with alchemy, shamanism, the apocalypse, the transformation and transmutation of the human race and our true potential as human beings. among the subjects discussed are stanley kubrick and his film 2001: a space oddyssey, j r r tolkien, peter jackson and the lord of the rings, the alchemy of time, the ka, the ba and the kabbalah, the god star and much more. the books that weidner has written include mysteries of the great cross at hendaye, a monument to the end of time and his dvd secrets of alchemy.
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1. wizedate.com (Wizedate) 2 800
2. selfdefinition.org (Selfdefinition) 1 108
3. jayweidner.com (Jayweidner) 643
4. brassmusic.ru (Brassmusic) 460
5. experiencetherock.com (Experiencetherock) 337
6. dotd.com (Dotd) 333
7. hisrock.net (Hisrock) 309
8. projectonfairrepresentation.org (Projectonfairrepresentation) 287
9. albigen.com (Albigen) 250
10. sharronrose.com (Sharronrose) 206