By MuStat gets 166,253 visitors per day, is worth $1,365,352 and has an overall rating of 60/100.

  • SEO performance
  • Traffic
  • Ads Revenue

Basic information

Title 东方热线-最宁波 最生活(
Description 东方热线(是宁波最大门户网站,内容覆盖新闻事件、生活热点、折扣优惠、娱乐时尚、旅游线路、美食餐饮、新车报价、房产租赁、装修团 购、招聘求职、教育培训、健康亲子、结婚情感、游戏棋牌、论坛博客、小说微博。
Analytics ID /
Adsense ID /
Ip address


Each day, generates 831,265 pageviews from 166,253 visitors. The website receives an average of 5,153,843 visits and 25,769,215 pageviews per month. It is given a rating of B, due to its high performance.

Per day Per week Per month Per year
Visitors 166,253 1,163,771 5,153,843 60,682,345
Pageviews 831,265 5,818,855 25,769,215 303,411,725

SEO potential has a Google Pagerank of 5 out of 10 and an Alexa Rank of 6,324. Although being more and more depreciated as a website quality indicator, a higher PageRank still indicates in most cases the popularity of a website. Sites with high Alexa Rank have high amounts of visitors, indicating that they get good search engine rankings.

The domain name was created 24 years ago (year: 2000, month: 05, day: 18) and has a length of 5 characters. Search engines algorithm gives more credibility and authority to websites whose domain name has been registered for a long time and is still in use (but not parked).

It is given a rating of C, due to its good performance.

Pagerank 5/10
Alexa #6,324
Age 24 years, 8 months and 24 days
Index View pages indexed in : [Google] [Yahoo] [Bing]

Earnings earns $499 USD a day in advertising revenue. Income from CPC banner ads is $182,135 USD per year. Yearly income from CPM banner ads is $30,341 USD. If the website was up for sale, it could be sold for $1,365,352 USD. It is given a rating of C, due to its good performance.

Per day Per week Per month Per year
CPC 499 3,493 15,469 182,135
CPM 83 582 2,577 30,341

Server information resolves to the IP address, which is located in JINGDEZHEN, China. The amount of bandwidth used by Cnool is 69.676 GB per day. Thus, we estimates that uses a total of 3 server(s), with a cost of $450 USD per month.

Hosting Analysis

Amount of Servers 3
Servers Cost /month 450
Website Bandwidth /day 69.676 GB

Server location

Latitude 29.2947
Longitude 117.208
City Jingdezhen
Country China

Domains on same IP (

No. Domain Name Visitors
1. (Cnool) 166,253